About Dana C. Beck
Founder of the Next Step For Success Strategy
Who am I? I am an online entrepreneur, and I provide solutions for other entrepreneurs who desire to earn a successful income online. I have been online since 2013 and am passionate about helping people achieve goals, they thought impossible and who desire to become successful online earning a solid income.
When I lived in Northern Virginia, I was an IT Director for many years until the IT industry took a huge dive. I was forced to find another means of income. So, I searched the internet looking for ideas. I soon discovered the world of online marketing and found that it can be very rewarding if done correctly.
But very soon into my online entrepreneur journey however, I discovered that with all the hustlers and scams online, it was hard to find systems and methods that were effective with proven results to earn an income online successfully and at the same time, were equally ethical and morally sound.
It was quite the challenge to say the least! But through yeas of trial and error and getting burned a few times, I am now at the place where I am achieving success for my business and those that I have the privilege of helping.
This all sounds nice, but you may be wondering, so, what do I do? I have been online since 2013 and I help entrepreneurs cut through all the hype and shallow offers that can be found in abundance online. And I show entrepreneurs how they can be effective and get solid results from their efforts. Because I believe if you can dream it, you CAN achieve it.
I help entrepreneurs become successful and develop into great entrepreneurs by providing training, one on one coaching, strategies, tools, and methods that have proven to be successful. Is what I have for everybody? Simply stated, no. I cannot help you if you’re looking for quick money, a fast track to earn a huge income online without any (or very little) effort, or some magic software or program that runs on autopilot and somehow mysteriously generates carloads of cash without you having to do anything. This is just simply fantasy.
But I help those that have a passion and desire to succeed, who are willing to work at developing themselves and build their own business, and who are willing to commit to their own success. If this is you then I can help you. I know it may be a cliché, but I truly believe what Earl Nightingale had said in his famous recording “The Strangest Secret In The World”, (and I’m paraphrasing) “…be of service FIRST, then the money will come…” Zig Ziglar also penned it this way, “you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
If you are looking for someone who will be in your corner so-to-speak cheering you on as you are traveling on the road to your entrepreneur success, then please reach out to me! I look forward to engaging with you on your journey to success!